The Impact of Childhood Obesity on Bone, Joint, and Muscle Health

Over the past 20 years, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of children, adolescents and adults diagnosed as overweight or obese in the United States. Today, approximately 32% of American children and adolescents, ages 2 to 19, are considered overweight or obese. Obesity can cause many health and social problems beginning in


Sports Nutrition Athletes who want a winning edge need the right nutrition. When you drink enough water and eat a balanced diet, your body can make energy efficiently and fuel top performance. You can make the most of your athletic talents and gain more strength, power, and endurance when you train. Base your diet on

Colder weather is coming!

The following are recommendations from the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) to follow to reduce the risk of injuries and illnesses from cold-weather activity. Cold-weather injuries are classified into three categories: decreased core temperature (e.g., hypothermia), freezing injuries of the extremities (e.g., frostbite) and nonfreezing injuries of the extremities (e.g., chilblains). “Many cases of cold-related

What are shin splints anyway?

Shin splints are often referred to as pain in the lower leg.  The pain is often along the inner edge of the shinbone (tibia). There are several causes for shin splints but the most common is physical activity, usually associated with running.  Having flat feet or abnormally rigid aches, inadequate footwear, or running on hard

You Crossed the Finish Line – Congratulations

You crossed the finish line and have your first marathon complete.  Now what..  Resist the urge to plop down on the ground – your legs   will stiffen up right away if you do.  Walk around for at   least 10 minutes to bring your heart rate down safely     and avoid the risk

How to exercise your knee after surgery

After knee surgery you have to be careful how you exercise your knee to avoid an increased risk for complications. Here is an example of some knee exercises for rehabilitating your knee: Please consult your doctor before attempting any exercises. Discontinue if you feel pain or any unusual discomfort.  Points to remember: Make sure your back is

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